
Friday, July 13, 2012

Yippee and Dino Series- Part 2

Dino  can talk !

Yippee was extremely impatient to reach home now. Dino kept peering out of the open container and there was a look of complete adoration in her eyes when she looked up at Yippee.

Illustration by Gauri Ghosal

As soon as they reached home, Yippee took hold of the container and rushed into his room.

“Mamma, where will Dino sleep? We need to get her something soft and comfortable. Oh! why did we not think about it in the pet store,we could have bought something then", said Yippee a little upset.

Illustration by Gauri Ghosal

Mamma looked at Yippee very fondly and said in her calm voice, “Yippee, don’t worry about that. I was thinking of bringing in your baby cot back into the room, it would make a very comfortable bed for Dino.What do you think?”

"Oh! that is a great idea Mamma”, said Yippee and hugged her tightly.

That night, Dino slept in her very own baby cot which Yippee had pushed close to his own bed just in case Dino felt scared in her first day out of the container.

Next two days were holidays for Yippee. Yippee was very happy about that. Now, he did not need to leave Dino alone.

Yippee got up earlier than most days and he went to check on Dino. Dino was still sleeping and she looked really cute all cuddled up and asleep.

Yippee decided to wait for Dino to wake up but five minutes went by and Dino was still fast asleep. Yippee could no longer control himself. He crept close to Dino and gently touched her forehead. The touch woke up Dino. She looked up with half sleepy eyes at Yippee and said “Hi Yippee”

Yippee was completely taken aback, he had not expected Dino to talk! But here was Dino totally talking to him.

He rushed out screaming excitedly, "Mamma Papa, guess what?"

Mamma and Papa rushed fearing the worst. But were relieved to see a huge smile on Yippee’s face. "Mamma,Papa Dino actually talks!" he told them excitedly

Mamma and Papa exchanged puzzled looks. “Oh !, does she now?” asked Mamma. “Come look for yourself”, said Yippee

They went in to check and sure enough when Dino saw them entering , she did make some growling  kind of noise. “Oh, she is saying Hi Mamma! Hi Papa!” said Yippee

But what Papa and Mamma could hear was just a soft growling kind of sound . But just to be polite they both responded with a Hi! 

“So Dino, what do you want for breakfast?”, asked Mamma.

And when Dino growled again, Mamma asked Yippee’s help to translate.

 “Whatever, Yippee has I will also have. But I must tell you something, I simply love chicken”, said Dino to Yippee

“Oh! Mamma, she loves chicken!”, said Yippee

"Oh , so does Yippee", said Mamma

“I will make chicken burgers for everybody”, said Mamma and she left for the kitchen. Papa decided to help Mamma with the breakfast.

Yippee gently took out Dino from the cot and put her on the floor. “So do you want to explore your new house?”, he asked Dino

But before he could complete his sentence, Dino was already scurrying around every where. She checked out Yippee’s toy train which was laid out on the floor. Then she went under Yippee’s bed and came out with a red ball the same size as herself. Yippee saw the ball and said, “Oh! so that is where the ball was...great we found it.”

Then Dino just ran out of Yippee’s room and went through the open door into the garden. Yippee rushed after her, scared that he might lose her in the garden.

When Yippee reached outside, he could not find Dino.” Oh Dino! where are you?” he asked

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